Seeking sweet spots with the incredible precision that only extra firm toys can deliver, the gläs collection's Spiral offers up a namesake swirly texture and two usable penetration points, each delivering totally toe-curling results. Placing the tip being enjoyed into effortless contact with the body area being pleased, the opposite side provides a sturdy grip for firm massage and perfect positioning. Gently swollen at one end, the larger side stretches and stimulates with a little more intensity- the other is finished by a nice little sphere that easily targets a wide range of erogenous zones.
Extra hygienic, the Spiral's fracture-resistant surface is completely nonporous and absolutely seamless. This dildo can be safely boiled or bleached for total sterilization- for an extra simple approach, place it in the top rack of the dishwasher. Warm soapy water and a clean dry cloth works perfectly for everyday clean-up as well. An ideal choice for pleasure seekers with sensitive skin, this gläs piece is completely hypoallergenic and non-irritating, plus, it can be enjoyed with any type of lubricant, massage oil or otherwise. To keep your Spiral at it's best for a lifetime of enjoyment, store it carefully, and try to avoid abrasive surfaces that could scratch or chip the surface.
SKU: D3700
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SKU: D3700
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